Allegedly, search engine optimization was birthed around the time the world’s first website was created, in the 1990s. Subsequently, more websites were created and the number of websites kept growing, leading to the internet being crowded. Search engine were then created, for order.

From Excite, to Alta Vista, to Yahoo, information was being categorized to maintain the order. However, SEO really started in the late 90s when Sergey Brin and Larry Page began building the biggest and most recognizable search engine: BackRub, which eventually became Google in 1997.

You may be wondering, why the history? We are trying to make a point. Search engines were developed because the number of websites kept growing, and you think SEO will become irrelevant in this day and age when lots more are being created? No.

Perchance, you still harbor the thought that throwing in some keywords will cut it in search engine optimization. You are mistaken. Search engine optimization has been around for nearly two decades and has been saving lives, maybe that is an exaggeration. Nonetheless, it has been saving businesses for sure, with one constant feature being evolution.

Essentially, SEO means improving your site to make it rank higher in searches. If your business does not come up on the first page during searches, there is a problem. However, that problem can be fixed if you get your hands on the right materials. Reading articles or SEO books from years ago may not suffice as these things change. The competition is fierce and you have no time to slack if you want good results.

Will SEO be relevant in this year?

There was a time when a lot of people were convinced that SEO was outdated, till the lockdown period, where its importance became glaring, once more. Search engine optimization is here to stay, however, the same old tricks may not be as effective, so you will need to up your game.

As noted earlier, keyword stuffing will not serve anymore. Google’s algorithm is continually being updated to encompass new features and to scrap others that were applicable at some point.

You may have stumbled upon, or sought out a book from years ago, but how can you be so sure that it is still relevant? What would work now are includes new SEO books that can almost accurately pinpoint the turn SEO is going to take next year, a book that is periodically revised to adapt to Google’s evolving algorithm, or SEO books that touch on the fundamentals.

Top 10 SEO Books to Help You Become an Expert

We prepared a list of SEO books that will help you master the art of search engine optimization. In these SEO books, you will find techniques and strategies that will still be relevant in search engine optimization in this year.

The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization.

This is a distinguished book on SEO, and every serious marketer must have this book in their collection. This book has earned its spot as one of the best books ever on SEO. Written by three SEO geniuses: Eric Enge, Jessie Stricchiola, and Stephan Spencer, the book provides evergreen SEO strategies and techniques.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, this book contains everything from the basics, to advanced knowledge.

It contains details of how search engines operate, the role of social media, user data and links in driving engagement, the best tools to track results and measure success. Then, it goes deeper into the workings of SEO by expanding on SEO planning, and the stage of its implementation.

Again, it explains how to build SEO-friendly websites, how best to research keywords, and provides an explanation of the most impactful algorithmic updates: Panda and Penguin, and of course, how to build an SEO team.

As “Suits” is the first series every law student wants to watch, this book should be the first book every person interested in SEO should read.

SEO 2022: Learn Search Engine Optimization with Smart Internet Marketing Strategies.

This book is a perfect read for both beginner and advanced audiences. The author, Adam Clarke revises the book almost every year to cover Google’s algorithm tweaks, which it explains in detail.

Some of the book’s content includes how to find specific keywords to attract customers, how local businesses can rank high with local SEO, how to get featured in mainstream news at no cost, a checklist, and video tutorials, among other amazing things. It clears misconceptions about SEO and breaks things down on how to get the job done.

Want to know the best thing about this book? It’s the attention to detail, everything is thoroughly explained. It is a must-read.

How to Get to the Top of Google: The Plain English Guide to SEO.

Tim Cameron, the author and a search engine ranking expert reveals and expounds on several SEO tips. This book contains ways to appear on Google’s first page and position in searches. It also goes back to the foundation; finding keywords to boost traffic.

How to Get do the Top of Google also touches on leads and backlinking, measures to ensure long-term improvements, and a user-friendly guide to help those struggling to create SEO plans for their businesses.

SEO Workbook: Search Engine Optimization in Seven Steps.

This is a revised edition by Jason McDonald, a professional SEO practitioner. One amazing this about is that helps those that are computer illiterate, as well. The author outlines a practical approach to achieving SEO.

The book begins with aiding you with

  • Defining your goals
  • Identifying top-end keywords
  • Expounding on the intricacies of on-page SEO
  • Producing content that pleases Google
  • Off-page SEO
  • Mastering Google analytics
  • SEO tools and online resources recommendations.

SEO for Dummies, 7th Edition.

This almost 500 paged book by Peter Kent contains everything on how to create top-ranking, user-friendly sites. Written in simple language, the author explains the science behind search engines, tools needed to track results and boost rankings.

Also, in this book, a part of SEO that is mostly overlooked was explicated upon: using social media to boost SEO. Do not be deterred by the number of pages you have to read, you can go through the “table of content” to select what you would like to know.

Product-Led SEO: The Why Behind Building Your Organic Growth Strategy.

Eli Schwartz, the author, is a growth consultant with over a decade of experience driving successful SEO for top B2B and B2C companies like WordPress, Shuttershock, Coinbase, among others. The author watched first-hand how SEO evolved, from just keyword stuffing, and had to pay dearly for that, losing a lot of traffic in his early days.

His experience and learning process inspired him to write a book on the art involved in SEO, the logic behind it, the theory it stands on. This book does not exactly instruct you on what to do, it just teaches you what SEO entails; a great mix of logic and creativity.

SEO Like I’m 5: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization.

This book by Matthew Capala prioritizes actionable content over theoretical aspects. This book with the aid of screenshots and instructions tells you what to do to get results, not what search engine optimization entails. It takes you through a fun, action-oriented process of building and optimizing your online presence.

Another good thing about this book? This book can be read and understood by almost anybody. From students to entrepreneurs, to marketing developers, anybody. However, if you are interested in the intricacies of this book, it may not be advisable.

SEO Blueprint: How to Get More Organic Traffic Right Now.

The 275 paged book, written by David Krevitt, and co-authored a renowned SEO expert, Ryan Stewart explains a formula peculiar to Ryan’s company, WEBRIS.

The co-author tells us the secret he used to achieve such effective results for his company. This “secret” involves a five-phase plan that teaches an evergreen approach to SEO.  This plan touches on keywords, content, ranking, pages, adding links SEO campaigns, and SEO reports. This book is definitely worth the read.

SEO for Growth: The Ultimate Guide for Marketing Web Designers & Entrepreneurs.

This 219 paged book, authored by John Jantsch and Phil Singleton is a must read for business owners. Why do business owners think passively about SEO? This book serves as a wake up call to them, that it is indeed very important for and to them.

This book is endorsed by a lot of SEO big shots, such as Dave Kerpen, Eric Enge, Chris Broan, among many others. A great read for business owners because it brings the importance and concepts of planning a good SEO strategy to the forefront of these people.

It explains the evolution of websites, the concepts guiding SEO, how to re-purpose content for multiple channels, how to plan an editorial calendar, how to generate content with social media, how to build and manage your online reputation, among other important SEO strategies.

The Sassy Way to Ranking #1 in Google with SEO when You Have No Clue!

The author of this book, and the founder of SassyZenGirl, Gundi Gabrielle, employs the usage of a conversational writing style which makes this fun to read. This book is most beneficial for bloggers as it is directed exclusively towards WordPress.

It is a short read of about a hundred pages and is great for SEO newbies. It gives a general overview of SEO, on-page and off-page optimization, among other things. The author of this book broke SEO into easy pieces and made it a fun read.


Search Engine Optimization is not going to be irrelevant anytime soon. On the contrary, it is going to keep evolving, and to master SEO you need access to appropriate information. To make your website rank in the first page on Google, or any other search engine, you need to put in the work.

So, by reading the SEO books provided in the list, or any of them that catches your fancy, you can get to work on optimizing search engines like a pro.

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