Food Law World

Starbucks Sued for Charging More for Nondairy Milk

Starbucks sued for discriminating against lactose-intolerant customers by charging extra for nondairy options.

Three lactose-intolerant ladies in California, Maria Bollinger, Dawn Miller, and Shunda Smith, are suing Starbucks for discrimination. They claim that the organization charged them more for nondairy options in their espresso and other beverages.

Plaintiffs claim the extra rate for nondairy milk is illogical and discriminatory. They sued in the US District Court, pointed for class-action status and $5 million in damages.

Starbucks has been criticized before for charging additional for nondairy milk. This has caused protests by means of PETA and vegans inside the US.

Starbucks has now not reacted back to the lawsuit’s claims. The courtroom will determine the case, so it is best to look forward to their verdict beforehand making any judgments.

Have customers expressed dissatisfaction with this policy?

Yes, customers are unhappy with Starbucks charging more for nondairy milk. A lawsuit claims this is unfair and discriminatory towards those with lactose issues. The plaintiffs say this violates the ADA and California law against disability discrimination.

Animal rights groups and vegans want Starbucks to stop charging extra for nondairy milk, like other coffee shops do. There have been protests in the US calling for Starbucks to get rid of this fee.

Howerver, Starbucks removed the extra charge for nondairy milk in all 1,020 UK stores, prompting questions about why the surcharge exists. However, the US still charges extra for nondairy milk.

Overall, Customers are unhappy and suing Starbucks over the extra charge for nondairy milk in drinks. The main question about whether it is okay to charge more money for these products.

What are the specifics of the lawsuit?

The legal case against Starbucks for charging more money for nondairy milk are as below.

  • Three lactose-intolerant women from California, Maria Bollinger, Dawn Miller, and Shunda Smith, filed a lawsuit.
  • The plaintiffs claim Starbucks discriminated against lactose-intolerant customers by charging extra for nondairy options in their drinks.
  • Lawsuit filed in US District Court for Eastern California, seeks $5 million in damages and class-action status.
  • The plaintiffs say Starbucks broke the ADA and California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, which stops businesses from discriminating against disabled people.
  • The lawsuit claims that charging extra for nondairy milk is unfair to those with lactose issues.
  • Starbucks has not responded to the allegations in the lawsuit. The lawful procedure will decide the case’s judgement.

Can Starbucks be fined for this practice?

Starbucks may be fined for discrimination or breaking consumer laws by charging extra for nondairy milk. The result of any law-breaking action is uncertain and there may be no clear statistics on previous fines against Starbucks for this issue.

Starbucks is facing a class-action lawsuit for charging customers with lactose intolerance and milk hypersensitive reactions greater prices for nondairy options. The plaintiffs are seeking at least $5 million in damages, claiming that the surcharge is simply too high.

Dunkin’ Donuts and different espresso chains have additionally been sued for charging more prices for nondairy milk. The outcome of those cases will depend on how legal guidelines are interpreted and the evidence presented.

Additionally, Starbucks plans to change its policy on surcharges for plant-based milks. According to audio files from Plant Based News, customer service reps were told of the change, starting May 4, 2024. Keep an eye out for legitimate responses from Starbucks about this case.


Starbucks is being sued by consumers for additional charges for nondairy products, claiming it discriminates in conflict to those with lactose intolerance. The lawsuit wishes $5 million in damages and other espresso chains like Dunkin’ Donuts have additionally faced comparable court cases.

Starbucks may be fined for discrimination, but the result of legal action is unclear. Keep an eye out for updates on their nondairy milk surcharge policy.


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