Health & Fitness

Are Butt Implants Safe?

Plastic surgery has been common for decades, but people have become more open to talking about their personal experiences with plastic surgery. Because of this, we hear more about what actually goes on before and after the surgery. This can help others become more comfortable with the idea of getting plastic surgery for themselves if […]

Health & Fitness

The Drawbacks of The FUT Hair Transplant

The FUT is a method of hair transplantation which was developed in the 1990s as an improvement over the procedures that were done up until that time. This was the precursor to the development of the much improved FUE procedure which is more commonly done today and generally gives better results. The FUE is much […]

Health & Fitness

Top Foods For Optimum Oral Health

Oral health is something that cannot be ignored – not only could it lead to a number of problems further down the line, but issues such as sensitivity could stop you from enjoying the foods that you love. Although there are options such as a multi-award winning London dentist to help you combat these issues, […]

Health & Fitness

6 Ways to Treat Your Neck Pain Naturally

According to research, more than 70% of the American population experience some neck complications at some point in their life whether caused by an underlying medical condition, poor posture or injury. Apart from the excruciating pain, neck complications can also interfere with your day to day activities, and it is, therefore, crucial to seek medical […]