
4 Efficient Ways to Work from Home

Work from home has various advantages, such as no need to commute anymore, for example. Even so, it can be quite distracting, especially if you live with family members or if you have flatmates. What’s more, pets, television, and social media might steal your focus at times. Many people who are new to remote work […]


5 Ways to Improve Your Returns Process

If you’re an eCommerce professional, one of the most important things you can understand is what happens after a customer buys from you. Too often, the post-purchase experience is ignored by eCommerce businesses, leaving you vulnerable to dissatisfaction. You’re also not taking advantage of potential customer loyalty. Loyal, repeat customers are much less expensive to […]


Certificate of Insurance (COI): A Quick Guide

A certificate of insurance might be requested for projects with big liability concerns or a risk of huge financial losses. In these cases, the client will ask for a certificate of insurance from your business to get proof that specific liabilities are included with your insurance cover. Getting a COI offers more protection to both […]


How to Optimize Your B2B Order Management

The popularity of B2B e-commerce marketing is rising rapidly, with 55% of B2B buyers making their purchases online. B2B physical transactions are also included in this wave of growth, with more and more B2B transactions occurring daily. With B2B transactions comes the need for B2B order fulfillment. However, this is not as straightforward as B2C […]


What is Peppol ID and How to Get It?

Peppol ID is a unique identifier that allows businesses to connect electronically. Peppol ID is used by the Peppol network, a global electronic commerce infrastructure. Peppol IDs are also used by other networks and systems compatible with the Peppol standard. It consists of two parts: a prefix and an identifier. The prefix is used to […]