
What Makes Mercedes-Benz Vehicles Expensive?

Mercedes-Benz has long been synonymous with luxury and comfort. Indeed, the Daimler subsidiary is regarded as one of the most luxurious automotive brands in the world, with a rich history of innovation and engineering excellence. But what makes its vehicles so expensive? Is it just the luxury features like fancy leather upholstery or massage seats? […]


What is Customer Advocacy? Why It’s Important?

Obviously, customers are the bedrock of your business. Without them, there would be no business; you would simply run an unavailing exercise in production and distribution, rather than a commercial enterprise. Your relationship to those customers can take several forms. Your customer strategy might consist of little more than a gesture toward service and support. […]

Finance Technology

How the Digital Age Continues to Disrupt the Finance Sector

The Finance sector is currently undergoing a transformation that is making traditional banking processes obsolete. Advances in technology, such as application programming interfaces (APIs), cloud computing, smartphones, digital currencies, and blockchain technology, are disrupting the traditional banking systems of previous generations. There is no shortage of factors that influence and disrupt the finance sector. New […]