
13 Best SSL Certificate Providers to Buy Cheap SSLs in 2025

Buy Cheap SSL Certificates from World’s Best SSL Providers

There are several SSL certificate providers known for offering affordable SSL certificates. However, keep in mind that the market is continuously changing, and new providers may have emerged since then. Here are some of the best SSL certificate providers that often offer competitive and cheap pricing.

The cost of SSL certificates can vary based on factors like the type of certificate (e.g., single-domain, wildcard, EV), validity period, and additional features. When choosing a cheap SSL certificate provider, it’s essential to consider not only the price but also the level of customer support, issuance speed, and the reputation of the Certificate Authority. Always make sure to buy SSL certificates from reputable sources to ensure security and compatibility with major web browsers.

The Best SSL Certificate Providers

Only the trusted third-party businesses are eligible to provide SSL certificates. Let us have a look at the top 10 cheap SSL certificate providers:

List of Best SSL Certificate ProvidersPrice Starts from 
Cheap SSL Shop$5.00/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
Namecheap$4.88/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
GoDaddy$63.99/yr.VISIT WEBSITE$36.75/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
Sectigo (formerly Comodo)$125/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
Digicert$238/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
Network Solutions$59.99/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
GeoTrust$149/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
GlobalSign$249/yr.VISIT WEBSITE
Entrust$199/yr.VISIT WEBSITE

1. CheapSSLShop – Cheap SSL Certificates Provider


Buy a cheap SSL certificate from one of the reputed cheap SSL certificate providers naming CheapSSLShop. Either a small business or large business entity all needs a single website security solution. From single domain to multi-domain SSL, CheapSSLShop has catered to all types of SSL certificates keeping in mind every business requirement.

You will hardly find such a price begins at 5.00 USD/yr. for your SSL requirement. So, buy cheap SSL today for website security and encourage your visitors and customers to visit a site positively.

✅ Cheapest price on market

✅ Globally trusted brands

✅ 24/7 chat support

✅ 30 days refund policy

Price starts from



2. Namecheap – Best SSL certificate provider


Namecheap is basically a reselling platform. They resell the SSL certificates curated by Comodo. As a result of this, you will receive all the features of the Comodo SSL certificate with an added benefit at a discounted price.

The main advantage of Namecheap over all the other SSL providers is that they offer multiple services like domain name, hosting, SSL, etc. The site which is hosted via Namecheap will have a free SSL license attached to the website for one year.

✅ Lowest prices

✅ Industry standard encryption

✅ Top-tier support

✅ Free secure site seal

Price starts from



3. SSL2BUY – Global SSL Provider


SSL2BUY is popular in providing website security with the latest encryption standard. Yes, all SSL certificates come with preloaded SHA-2 algorithm to save data passing between the server and the client. Either it is a domain validation, business validation or extended validation, the website will have utmost security. Customers would like to visit a secured site and SSL2BUY contributes a lot by providing a cheap SSL certificate to every size of organizations and individuals.

Single domain, multi domain, Code Sign and wildcard SSL certificates are few attractions that SSL2BUY offers to customers by keeping the price low compare to other SSL providers.

✅ 24/7 Technical Support

✅ Modern Encryption

✅ 30-days Refund Policy

✅ Highest Browser Compatibility

Price starts from



4. ClickSSL – Trusted SSL Reseller


ClickSSL- a renowned name in SSL certificate providers and a platinum partner of diversified certificate authorities: Comodo, RapidSSL, GeoTrust, Thawte, DigiCert, Symantec. The platform is keen to secure the internet world by offering reputed SSL certificates to suit every business needs.

Starting from a single domain to multi domain and wildcard SSL certificate all these certificates are enabled with SHA-2 algorithm. A strong encryption keeps cyber thieves away from the passing information between the user and the server.

✅ Affordable Prices

✅ Modern Algorithm

✅ 24/7 Customer Support

✅ Unlimited Reissuance

Price starts from



5. GoDaddy – World’s Largest Company


Although GoDaddy is popular for its web hosting plans and services, it also offers quite decent quality SSL certificate service. They offer DV, OV, and EV SSL certificates, along with SH2 and 2048-bit encryption and a McAfee ‘security’ trademark.

Another interesting feature of GoDaddy SSL certificates is their price quotations. They offer all types of SSL certificates such as the regular ones, DV, OV, and EV at the same price. Instead, the prices vary according to the number of sites. Apart from these, the installation cost is also quite reasonable hence it can be considered as a great option for small businesses. However, the renewal cost could be expensive.

✅ 24/7 customer support

✅ 30-day money back guarantee

✅ Unlimited servers and reissues

✅ Secure site trust mark

Price starts from



6. – Trusted SSL certificate provider

The most important thing about any business is the customer review. is offering the best SSL certificate that has won the hearts of the clients and views of the websites. offers excellent data security with reasonably priced SSL certificate and an extremely cooperative customer support facility.

The price ranges are very reasonable and also you get an additional discount on availing of their subscription for multiple years.

✅ Padlock symbol & “https” domain

✅ Easy to use account manager

✅ Free site seal

✅ 24/7 chat, email, phone support

Price starts from



7. Sectigo (formerly Comodo) – One of the best SSL provider


Known as one of the most affordable SSL certificate providers, Sectigo is the biggest SSL certificate provider in recent times. It mainly targets small and medium-sized websites by offering them SSL certificates with the sole purpose of data encryption. It offers a top-notch level security having 2048 bits signature and 256 bits encryption key. Additionally, they also offer a 30 days money-back guarantee and an advanced team of customer support.

✅ 2048-bit RSA key

✅ Simple certificate management

✅ Free Sectigo secure seal

✅ Protecting data in transit

Price starts from



8. Digicert – Premium SSL certificate provider


Currently acquitted by Norton, Digicert was once operated independently till the year 2017. The reason behind this acquisition is obviously the security standard that could be obtained from Norton.

Being acquitted by Norton, the SSL certificates by DigiCert offers an excellent encryption facility having 2048 bits encryption signed with SHA- 256, plus 256-bit encryption. Another unique feature of Digicert SSL certificate is that it allows the user to renew the SSL certificates absolutely free of cost for multiple servers over a lifetime.

✅ Robust Encryption for personal data

✅ Comply with PCI standards

✅ Highest authentication

✅ Increase SEO rank

Price starts from



9. Network Solutions – Hosting, Domain & SSL Provider


Network Solutions is somewhat similar to GoDaddy wherein both offer various web-related services such as website hosting, eCommerce solutions along with SSL certificates. It offers an encryption level web browser compatibility of 128 bits and supports 256 bits.

✅ 256-bit robust encryption

✅ Closed padlock & “https”

✅ DV, OV and EV options

✅ 99% browser recognition

Price starts from



10. GeoTrust – Leading digital certificate provider


GeoTrust offers SSL certificates and signing services for individuals and enterprises. GeoTrust mainly targets the eCommerce websites with SSL certificates that offer highly encrypted data security enabling 256 bits of encryption.

Those who are interested in avail of the SSL certificates for multiple sites would find it more profitable with respect to the price point as compared to their charges of SSL certificate for a single site.

✅ 256-bit encryption

✅ Unlimited server licensing

✅ SHA-2 algorithm

✅ Compatible with major browsers

Price starts from



11. GlobalSign – WebTrust-certified certificate provider


GlobalSign offers top quality SSL certificates to every business organization irrespective of its size. However, it is mostly preferred by the ones who need highly scalable PKI solutions.

By taking this highway, an endeavor client can have all the guidelines, approaches, and methodology for utilizing SSL certificates, and their resulting creation, circulation, and renouncement are completely dealt with for them. However, in the event that you just need SSL endorsements, GlobalSign can do that as well.

The kind of service provided by GlobalSign, it cannot be purchased at a cheap rate. Hence, a basic single domain DV certificate costs $249 per year. In case you wish to purchase an EV certificate, it will cost you a minimum of $499 per year.


12. Entrust Datacard – Most reliable SSL provider


Entrust Datacard is a US-based SSL certificate provider that is functional since the year 1994. It is known for its excellent service of generating certificates quickly and smoothly. Entrust is also known for offering many more security products other than SSL certificates such as Identity cards, credit cards, authentication devices. Entrust Datacard offers the facility of managing various certificates for several domains under a single management console.

However, considering the price point, Entrust Datacard might not end up to be your first choice for availing of SSL certificates. Prices start from $199 per year for a basic SSL certificate. Prices go up to $699 for a wild card and EV certificate as well.


13. AlphaSSL – Affordable SSL certificate provider


AlphaSSL is owned by Globalsign. The aim of this SSL certificate provider differs from Globalsign. AlphaSSL targets mostly the small ventures that are cost-sensitive in nature whereas Globalsign mostly targets the big business organizations. AlphaSSL utilizes same infrastructures to curate the SSL certificates at a much lower cost.

They also offer free customer care service 24*7 through live chat and email. The installation tools are also included in the package.


SSL Certificates FAQs

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate ensures a secured connection between a website and its visitors. This certificate encrypts every data of a user such as his name, house address, credit card details, and so on. A website maintains its security policy with the help of an SSL certificate so that hackers and cyber criminals do not have the access to these data.

It is a digital file that attaches your identity (or if you’re a business, the identity of your company) with that of your website through a file containing a cryptographic key. They help in encrypting data that users submit through your website so that no one else but only you/your organization can see it. This helps in eliminating the risks of eavesdropping and data tampering.

Every SSL certified website contains a paddock and an ‘HTTPS’ protocol. Visitors may easily find out if they are vising a secured website or not.


Do I need an SSL certificate?

If you’ve not yet installed an SSL certificate, but you’ve been collecting user data of any kind on your site, that data may be visible to ISPs or other individuals/entities which are in the position of intercepting traffic. Therefore, SSL certificates are must if you collect sensitive user data i.e. passwords, credit card data etc. But even if you don’t collect sensitive information, you should consider installing it on your server because no information that web users submitted to you through your website should be allowed to slip into the hands of prying eyes.

Besides that, SSL certificates provide some other benefits too: they protect your site from hackers, improve Google rankings, provide safe shopping experience and enhance customer assurance. No one can alter your personal information during the online conversation if you’ve SSL certificate installed on your server.

How does an SSL certificate work?

how ssl works

After the activation of the SSL certificate of your website, the server will send a ‘finished’ message to the visitor which is encrypted through an encryption key. This process is also known as ‘handshake’ as it indicates that your website is now secured.

This process generates two different types of encryption key:

  • Public key
  • Private key

Encrypted connections with a public key can only be decrypted with a private key but it is not possible the other way round.

Apart from this, an SSL certificate also enables encrypted traffic between the website and the user’s computer. This level of encryption protects sensitive data like passwords, OTPs, credit card details, and so on.

What are the types of SSL certificates?

There are several different types of SSL certificates that are issued to websites. Some of the most popular types of SSL certificates are listed down below:

types of ssl certificates

  • DV SSL – Domain Validated

Just started an online business? It is necessary to offer protection to your customers. In that case, it assumed that you have a specific budget but do not worry! You can even protect your valuable customers with domain validation certificate.

Domain validation is a primary level of the certificate that avoids lengthy validation process and follows instant issuance. Certificate authority will verify domain ownership and issue SSL certificate immediately. Domain Validation certificates are available at cheap price compare to other certificates.

  • OV SSL – Organizational Validated

In addition, organization validation certificate is the best option, which refers to marginal high price but it also verifies your business over the web. Business validation offers establishment of business identity. After confirming business related documents, the CA issues organization validation certificate. The certificate provides same encryption to a website, but with set up identity.

You can provide strong protection to your customers on the website. The certificate as per industry standard gives up to 256-bit encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption. Customers would easily put trust to your website once they see HTTPS instead of HTTP ahead your website domain name.

  • EV SSL – Extended Validation

To get protection from phishing fraud and unauthorized web identity, Extended Validation (EV) certificate is the best online security solution for websites. EV holds highest validation and protection compare to other types of SSL certificates.

However, EV follows a strict verification process including checking of legal, physical and business existence, government records and other important documents. After following the process, the CA issues certificate to the applicant. Most eCommerce websites, payment merchants, financial sectors use EV SSL certificate as these sites have hundreds of transaction taking place on daily base plus a strong authentication is needed for customer assurance.

When EV SSL is on your website, the address bar turns into the green bar and displays company name to assure visitors and customers that the website is reliable and passed through the strict validation process.

With EV SSL, strong encryption, highest validation, protection against phishing, 2048-bit CSR encryption, green bar assurance and many other features is offered to websites.

  • Multi-Domain SSL

You may have large size of business and have multiple domains or websites to needs to be secured with SSL certificate. It is costly and time consuming task to manage an individual certificate for each domain, so in that case, multi domain SSL certificate is an ideal option. It can secure multiple domain names with a single certificate.

A multiple domain certificate can secure many SAN names during certificate cycle for example, an enterprise can secure domains like

  • any.sub.snydomain.tld

However, It is also called SAN or UCC certificate and ideal for shared hosting, exchange servers as Microsoft exchange server 2007, 2010, and 2013 as well Microsoft communication server. Your website will have robust protection plus save money of a business.

  • Wildcard SSL

Wildcard SSL certificate is best suitable for business that has different sub domains for forum, blog, login, checkout, and portals. Wildcard SSL is a cost saving certificate that allows unlimited sub domain protection under a single certificate. A single asterisk (*) can secure sub domains and allows to share same wildcard SSL on multiple servers.

For example, a certificate request for primary domain * can secure sub domains like,


Wildcard certificate offers centralize certificate management that takes care of your certificate’s expiry and prevents warning of expired certificate in browsers. All your sub domains will have robust 256-bit protection and root encryption.

How much does a SSL certificate cost?

The cost of an SSL certificate can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the type of certificate, the Certificate Authority (CA) or other SSL provider, the level of validation, and the additional features included.

It’s important to note that prices can change over time due to promotions, discounts, and varying offerings from different SSL certificate providers. Additionally, some providers offer multi-year plans at a discounted rate, so the cost per year may decrease if you opt for a longer validity period.

For the most up-to-date pricing information, it’s best to check with reputable SSL certificate providers directly or compare prices on their websites. Keep in mind that while cost is an essential consideration, it’s equally important to choose a reliable and trusted SSL certificate provider to ensure security and compatibility with web browsers and devices.

How to Fix Mixed Content Error on HTTPS site?

If web page refers HTTP element on secure HTTPS secure page than web browsers will shoot warning message. To avoid the mixed content warning, you can use relative paths instead of absolute paths.

What are Things You Need to Do When Implementing SSL?

SSL certificate is able to attract visitors and customers towards your website and can change customer psychology in the way they perceive the company. It is true that company requirement affects the selection of SSL certificate. Below is the simple consideration before choosing any SSL certificate.

  • Reliable Certificate Authorities: It is quite important that SSL certificate is issued by a trusted third-party certificate authority. CAs follows certain guideline prescribed by NIST and CA/Browser forum.
  • Decide your Need: Every business has its own security requirement hence, a business or individual should mull over the business needs to choose a right SSL certificate.
  • Use 301 Redirection: 301 Redirection is an efficient way of permanent URL direction that lands users on HTTPS pages and experiences a secure environment over the website.
  • Use of HSTS: HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) requests the browser to load the page via HTTPS even the user types HTTP to visit the website.
  • Strong Protection: Always prefer 2048-bit key certificates for better protection.

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