The terms ‘Logistics’ and ‘supply chain management’ are not new in the business realm. Even though the use of these terms is quite prevalent in the modern business world, people often get confused about when to use what.

  • Do they refer to the same thing?
  • Or are they different?
  • Do you also struggle to differentiate between the two?
  • Want to understand and differentiate between the two?

Don’t worry as we will get to the bottom of it for a clear understanding.

Where Are These Two Terms Used?

These terms are used in the businesses that involve some particular activities including manufacturing, transportation of goods, storage, delivery, etc, especially in freight forwarding. They are mostly used interchangeably even though there are some notable differences between them. Differentiating both logistics management and supply chain, management is a fundamental characteristic since one can analyze the performance of each department in a better way. Moreover, understanding the job of every office forestalls any conflict beforehand while simultaneously limiting its chances between different offices inside the association.

Why Do We Confuse Them?

Buying, materials handling, logistics, transportation, stock control, and supply anchor management have kept on developing, making a significant number of these practical regions converge with each other. This convergence has brought about obscured definitions for a portion of these terms.

While these two terms do have a few similarities, they are two different ideas with various implications. Supply chain management is an all-encompassing idea that joins together different procedures, while logistics alludes to the manufacturing, storage, and flow of merchandise, administrations, and data inside the general supply chain.

Key Differences Between Logistics and Supply Chain

It is critical to consider that while the terms ought not to be utilized conversely, they do enhance one another. One procedure can’t exist without the other. Here are some key contrasts between the two terms that will assist you with shielding from obscuring the lines between them.

  • The supply chain of the board is an approach to interface significant business forms inside and across organizations into an elite plan of action that drives the upper hand.
  • Logistics alludes to the development, storage, and stream of merchandise, administrations, and data inside and outside the association.
  • The primary focal point of the supply chain is a competitive bit of leeway, while the fundamental focal point of coordinations is meeting client necessities.
  • Logistics is a term that has been around for quite a while, rising out of its military roots, while supply chain the executives is a generally new term.
  • Logistics is a part of the supply chain that involves movement.


Logistics is a term used to portray the way toward taking care of merchandise inside a particular department while at a similar time keeping a stock report of the status and whereabouts of various inventories. Moreover, coordinations can be characterized as the way toward arranging, execution, and control of the development of merchandise and other related exercises. Things that are usually involved in the logistics are

  • Inbound and Outbound Transportation
  • Warehousing
  • Reverse Logistics (Returns)
  • Protective Packaging
  • Fulfillment of the order

The logistics management usually is responsible for

  • Overseeing and getting ready for coordinations approaches, targets, and activities.
  • Making systems for coordinations the executives to upgrade the creative work process and limit cost.
  • Observing merchant determination and arrangement, dissemination, transportation, and stock control.

Transportation Management System (TMS)

A coordinations stage empowering clients to oversee and upgrade day by day tasks of their transportation armadas.

Distribution Center Management System (WMS)

Programming and procedures empowering associations to control and oversee stockroom activities from the time products or materials enter until they move out.

Supply Chain

Supply chain the board is a wording used to portray all the exercises, which incorporate the acquisition of crude materials, accepting of crude materials, assembling, and creation of merchandise, and conveyance of the ideal products to their separate clients. Things that are a part of supply chain management are,

  • Procurement
  • Supply Planning
  • Demand Planning
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Inventory Management
  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Optimization

The jobs that the supply management team fulfills involve,

  • Supervising and overseeing in general gracefully chain and coordinations activities, to amplify effectiveness and limit cost.
  • Teaming up with various practical administrators to design and execute the advancement of an appropriation community operational procedure to empower consistent exchanges.
  • Overseeing and observing sellers’ capabilities and exhibitions to guarantee they meet the organization’s prerequisites.

ERP Programming

Capacities like a focal sensory system, for a business, by gathering data about the action and condition of different divisions of the body corporate, and making this accessible to different parts, where it tends to be utilized gainfully and is included, continuously, by clients.

Radio Frequency Identification

The utilization of radio waves to peruse and catch data put away on a label connected to an article, which can be perused from up to a few feet away, and shouldn’t be inside direct view of the peruser to be followed.

CRM Software

A classification of programming covering a wide arrangement of uses, intended to assist organizations with overseeing a significant number of the accompanying procedures: client information, client connection, data access, and deals mechanization.

Big Data

Amazingly huge informational indexes that might be examined computationally to uncover examples, patterns, and affiliations, particularly identifying with human conduct and communications.

Goals and Aims


One of the significant distinction among logistics and supply chain the board is their planned objectives and goals inside an association. The objectives and goals of logistics inside an authoritative division are guaranteeing that clients accomplish the greatest fulfillment during their connections with the association.

Supply Chain

Calculated officials guarantee that anything that is required by the clients is gotten to easily and it is procured in the correct quality and amount. Then again, the supply chain the board has the objective and target of guaranteeing that the organization accomplishes a serious and similar bit of leeway through viability and effectiveness. All the more significantly, supply chain the executives guarantees that the organization gets laws materials at lower costs while selling completed products at the most significant expenses conceivable.

Organizations Involved

The quantity of associations included is another viewpoint that can be utilized to feature the distinction between logistics and supply chain the executives. Coordinations is associated with a solitary association because there are no strategic exercises that are required when one organization is interfacing with the other organization.

Strategic activities are kept and limited to an individual association and the clients ready to help out the group. Then again, the supply chain the board is associated with various organizations that are cooperating with the organization every day. Highlight that supply chain the executives must communicate with associations providing crude materials, organizations conveying or shipping completed merchandise, and organizations buying their completed items.

Evolution and Development

The advancement and improvement of logistics and supply chain the executives structure one of the essential contrasts between the two terms. As indicated by history specialists, strategic administration has existed for a long period and has finished the assessment of times since it as of now exists regardless of advancement in innovation.

Antiquarians feature that coordinations were pervasively utilized in conventional realms for military tasks and included transportation of the two guns and military workforce among others. Then again, supply chain the executives is a cutting edge viewpoint that rose in the 19th century.

The viewpoint has developed to the point that it is right now being consolidated in all business associations and government offices. Besides, the supply chain the executives is an independent office inside the organization and a course without anyone else in various learning establishments around the globe.

Relationship with One Another

There exist a significant relationship between strategic administration and supply chain the board. Albeit numerous individuals believe that they are various offices with each qualified to handle its exercises, the strategic office is an area of the supply chain the executives that handle explicit assignments.

It is critical to feature that calculated the supply chain division can deal with exercises without meddling or bringing down the nature of the administrations offered by this organization. This clarifies why a few associations don’t have an operational, strategic office yet have operational supply chain the board division, which handles calculated issues.

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