Can digital marketing specialists differentiate a wormhole from a DDOS attack? Encryption software from a VPN? They should be able to. Below is an outline of why digital marketing experts now need to expand their knowledge on cybersecurity.

It’s vital that every single employee does their part to ensure the company’s cybersecurity stays intact. However, digital marketing specialists need to be more careful than most, as they are obvious targets for hacking. Not only that, but they’re a key point of contact with the outside whenever a data breach happens. Which means it’s essential for digital marketers to know how cybersecurity works.

And yet, the marketing department is still mostly overlooked when it comes to implementing cybersecurity measures in the workplace.

Why Digital Marketers Should Focus On Cybersecurity

Imagine spending years building up a good reputation for a company, while working hard to build trust with new customers. Just to have all of that taken away by a security breach where customers’ sensitive data is leaked. In 2018 a survey revealed that 66% of consumers said they would stop doing business with an organization that had data breaches. A single cyberattack can destroy years of hard work in mere minutes.

Unfortunately, however, the marketing department usually only takes notice of digital security after an incident. Which costs them and the company a lot of time and money.

This is why it’s important for digital marketing specialists to familiarize themselves with main cybersecurity tools. Not just that – they have to really start implementing them! Lots of people know that it’s wrong to use a password like ‘123456’ or ‘admin’, and yet, millions of them still do.

These days, it’s not just about a company being hacked either, but about how they handle it. That part, however, is not up to the IT department. It’s up to the marketing department. And they need to be informed about the whole situation if they’re going to help mitigate the fallout.

So, therefore, marketers need to get more involved and understand how the company handles both data and cybersecurity.

How Can Digital Marketing Specialists Get Involved?

Statistics reveal that cyberattacks are on the rise, with businesses of all sizes becoming the main targets. Which means that a company has to have a plan in place when an attack happens. Not if it happens.

Therefore digital marketing specialists need to be a part of an organization’s cybersecurity structure both in the planning and execution phases. They need to help create a crisis communication plan in the event of a breach. For this to be possible, they have to know how cybersecurity works and what to do if an attack happens.

Not only that, but it’s important for digital marketing specialists to know how digital security works on a personal level. Because anyone can be the source of a breach, and marketing people pose a significant risk through their work. It’s no secret that digital marketers rely on various technological solutions and are always on the lookout for new ones. This makes them susceptible to things like phishing, social engineering, and other hacking techniques.

Cybersecurity Tips For Digital Marketing Specialists

Digital marketers should make sure the department invests in preventative cybersecurity solutions to mitigate the risk they pose. They should also educate themselves on best practices, so they don’t take part in risky behavior. This includes online and offline actions.

Two-Factor Authentication

2FA adds another layer of security to passwords as only the owner of the account can authorize any login attempts. Make sure to activate this on any apps or accounts that allow it.

Get a Password Manager

Digital marketers use a lot of online apps and tools, making it hard to remember different passwords for each. Don’t fall into the trap of re-using a password. Get a password manager that will store and automatically fill in passwords instead. It’s easier and much more secure.

Use a VPN

Thanks to the nature of digital marketing, marketers often have to visit different websites and relay sensitive information. A VPN will stop any hackers from getting access to that information and by extension the company’s internal network. It will also secure any sensitive information that’s sent to others through end-to-end encryption. So any marketer who’s serious about online security should look into getting a VPN. Luckily, they’re easy to set up and run silently in the background.

Find Strong Firewall Software

A firewall is the first line of defense against any malware or virus. Unfortunately, sometimes a person clicks on a fake link or email attachment. These risks can be minimized through secure and up to date firewalls that will take care of the malicious software.

Final Thoughts

In today’s digital sphere, a marketing specialist needs to be aware of the ins and outs of cybersecurity. Because they can inadvertently cause a major data breach in the company. It all depends on how well the employees are integrated into this crucial part of a company’s overall security strategy.

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