With technology advancing at a rapid pace, the way how exams are being given these days by candidates across the globe also has been witnessing dramatic changes.

Nowadays, there is being used ultra-modern tools to improve living style. Traditional exam system has slowly, but steadily given way to online computer based exam sessions that is fast gaining popularity. Previously, registrations used to take round 4 to 5 months for interested candidates to get enrolled. It was done by filling and submission of different types of documents.

Presently, the whole selection which ranges from registration to generation and distribution of admit cards to taking exams and result declaration are done quickly and within the same time-frame. It has only managed to reduce unnecessary human effort and pain, which only required more focus and concentration to present final reports.

Besides this, overall expenses involved in conducting the exam also has reduced tremendously through the computer based exam system Online Examination System.

Few Major Benefits of Computer Based Exams

  • Seamless net connection: Computer based exams are conducted using the LAN (Local Area Network), thereby providing the students with glitch free exposure throughout the exam. No worries are also involved about leaking of the question papers or cheating by the candidates at any point of time during the exam.
  • Time management: Online exams do demand very less human interaction. Previously, the students were required to listen to their invigilators, thereby requiring more time for highlighting the correct response as well as use specific pencil/pen to mark the answer and get accepted.
  • Basic computer knowledge: The candidates appearing for such system based exam will just require knowledge on fundamentals of computer. It includes familiarity in operating mouse and keyboard. The aspirant also is provided the option to go backwards to review previous responses which are marked for questions.
  • Rough sheets for calculation purposes: For rough work, candidates are provided with sufficient rough sheets for solving numerical problems. It provides them assistance to conclude answers easily for those lengthy and complex problems which does require more of analysis and calculations.
  • Easy edits to market responses: It is considered to be an add-on feature over pencil-pen based exam. The student using this can review easily the marked responses and also change answers if necessary in the computer based exam. But in OMR sheet using pen, the student will not be able to change responses if felt necessary. If the candidate is said to mark 2 responses for a question to mark the correction, then it is likely to be considered in the OMR question paper as negative answer.
  • No partiality: The candidate will be provided in the computer based exam with very much the same time required to solve the entire paper like that of the normal paper. On clicking the start button, the time initiates for pre-defined duration as authorized in the examination. With seamless net connection, student is required to mark tentative response set. It does offer fair resource and time allocation to all competing students as well as assures them of complete transparent selection hierarchy.

Therefore, it becomes necessary for students to practice and carry out plenty of preparation using online exam system, so that they are able to get familiarized with it and know how to give the exam without having to worry about anything. The experts conclude that this pattern of exam taking is likely to be future for every type of exam. It does require the candidate to have fundamental computer knowledge, flexibility to carry out responses, changes, use calculation sheets and symmetric platform, etc.

Features to be included within the online exam system

Online examination pattern is only getting popular with organizations and candidates alike across the globe with time. This is because, it does help to save plenty of time, energy, resource and precious money. It is also noticed to be an effective and efficient way of learning and teaching in both institutions and organizations alike, be it for students and employees.

At the same time, the online exam pattern has been devised to prevent cheating that is normally noticed with the traditional paper based exams. It also ensures fairness of exam results. It is of extreme importance to come up with a properly researched and in-depth exam system based upon the needs of the actual exam.

Some essential features desired in the online exam system

  • Exam instructions: It is likely to display the exam’s basic contents along with other things which need to be paid full attention to. The following elements like full score, total questions, time limit, passing score, passing rate, etc. re to be included within the instructions page.
  • Exam content accessibility: There can be had preset passwords and accounts to ensure content safety. The participants can go for online registration which is possible at the comfort of their home. Assessment contents can be taken only by authorized users. Also can be set domain hosting limitations. Even if flash assessment has been downloaded by the participants, it is simply not possible to play them.
  • Valid exam content time: Participants are allowed to log into the exam system using their accounts and passwords. This way, they can get access to relevant pages to finish testing in valid time. After expiry of this authorized time, the exam cannot be given any more.
  • Exam time limit: On starting of the exam, candidates are allowed to log into the system. After using up of test time, the exam results are submitted to the candidates. Although the exam has not been finished fully, it will get submitted to reporting system. There will be recorded start and end time in seconds.
  • Exam time reminder: It allows the participants to know the amount of time left for their exam to complete. On reaching the fag end of the exam, audio present will remind of exam paper submission.
  • How to submit: The answers can be submitted to reporting system in two ways.
    • Submission of all answers at once: But in this one, candidates will not be able to review or modify their answers after submission.
    • Submission of one answer at one time: Candidates will be able to review as well as modify their answers prior to final submission.
  • Result release: Timed or immediate release could be set for the exam.

Getting to know about the exam can help the candidates to be better prepared.

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