Gone are the days when social media was only used for communication and photo/video-sharing. Now, 67% of business owners consider social media a must-have marketing tool. With billions of people using social media worldwide, social media is regarded as one of the best platforms to promote your brand and increase your business’s exposure.

Through social media, businesses can directly interact with their target customers. They can promote their product by creating interactive and eye-catching content, entertaining customers’ questions, and forming relationships. But as easy as these sound, promoting your brand on social media can be challenging, especially since every big and small business is doing the same thing.

6 best ways to promote your brand on social media

With tight competition in the social media industry, you’ll need to find ways to promote your brand and make it stand out on social media. The following are some strategies you can implement to promote your brand on social media successfully and effectively.

Choose the right social media platform

There are endless choices of social media platforms for you to share and publish your promotional content. However, you must ensure you select and use the right channel. Otherwise, you could waste your marketing budget and effort sharing content on platforms your target customers don’t use.

You’ll need to understand your target audience first to choose the right social media platform. For example, does your target audience belong to the age range between 18 to 34 years old? In that case, most of these people are using Facebook. Recently, Facebook has nearly three billion monthly users, making it the most-used social media network worldwide. And since most of your target markets are on Facebook, you can customize promotional content that will fit the platform, attract your target customers, and stand out among competitors.

If you’re unsure how or where to start, you can work with a Facebook ads agency. Hiring an advertising agency will give you access to talented and professional advertisers who will help brainstorm unique and quality advertisements for your brand promotion. For startups, you won’t have to waste time hiring and training your new in-house advertisers, as your chosen ads agency will be the one to handle and monitor all your Facebook ads campaigns.

Besides Facebook, you can take advantage of other social media platforms, especially if your customers use multiple channels. You can also promote your brand on Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok. Research to see if your customers are actively using these channels.

Create a social media content calendar

One common mistake many businesses make on social media is posting content on the spot. While this may work during the first few days of your campaign, you’ll eventually realize that the process can be stressful and time-consuming.

Create and follow a social media content calendar to avoid mental blocks or difficulty finding new promotional content ideas. A social media content calendar will help you plan your content and keep you from scrambling and thinking about what to post.

When creating a content calendar, you can include the following:

  • Type of content you’ll post (video, image, infographic, blog post, etc.)
  • The time and date of posting for each content
  • Brief description of each content
  • Social media platform you’re planning to post
  • Tags, links, or hashtags you wish to include
  • Any special promos, holidays, or campaigns

Scrambling last minute when creating promotional posts can lead to low-quality content, affecting your brand’s image and reputation. It could also lead to repetitive posts, especially if you’re not keeping track of what you’ve already published. A social media content calendar will help prevent these problems and create more effective, attractive, and relevant promotional posts.

Develop content that encourages engagement

Social media is meant to be about socialization. Promoting your brand must be done in an interactive way that encourages engagement from your target customers. So, focus on posting content about your brand that will encourage viewers to read, ask questions, comment, or repost your content.

Suppose you own a lipstick brand, and you’re trying to promote a new line of lipsticks on Valentine’s Day. To market your lipstick, you can host an online challenge encouraging viewers to wear it and take pictures with their loved ones (partners, best friends, kids, and family). Ask them to follow your business account and like and repost the said post to be part of the challenge. Whoever wins will enjoy one of your limited products or win gift cards, vouchers, or massive discounts.

There are still many ways you can make your promotional campaign interactive. Researching your target audience will give you an idea of what type of interactive post best suits them.

Provide valuable and relevant content

One of the main reasons that drive a person to follow your brand’s business account is when they learn something from you. So, aside from publishing engaging content, you should post valuable, relevant, and high-quality content. 83% of marketers point out that people follow brands that post quality content.

For future content, publish something your target viewers will find beneficial. Perhaps it can be something they don’t know before (trivia), makes them laugh, or teaches them how to do certain things related to your brand’s product/service (tutorial content). The more valuable and relevant content you share, the more customers will follow and support your business.

Avoid over-promoting

As much as you want your brand to reach a wider audience, remember to do your promotional campaign sparingly. Treat it like regular advertising. Blatantly promoting your brand in every single post daily will soon be seen as spammy by some of your customers and cause them to unfollow you eventually.

LinkedIn recommends posting at least one to two times a day. However, it will depend on the business industry you belong to. If your brand belongs to a slow-paced sector, posting three to five times a week will suffice. Mentioning your brand in some of your posts is okay as long as you don’t sell too hard.

Build a loyal community

Promoting your brand isn’t always about getting as many followers as possible. The effectiveness of your brand’s promotional campaign depends on how many committed followers and customers you can have. So, focus on building a loyal community around your brand.

You can also reach out to a social media influencer for a business partnership. You can ask them to mention your brand in their post or create a product review about your brand. By working with them, you’ll be able to get in touch with their loyal followers and encourage them to be part of your brand’s community. These loyal customers in your community are more likely to repost your content and become regular customers.


With an increasing number of active users, social media remains a gold mine for interacting with customers and winning their loyalty. As long as you know how to promote your brand on social media, you can successfully connect with your target audience.

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